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5-Digit Analytical Balances

The Essential Tool for Precise and Sensitive Weighing

A 5 decimal or 5-digit analytical balance is a precision weighing instrument that can measure weight to an accuracy of 0.00001 grams. These analytical balances have a resolution of 10 micrograms, which allows for highly accurate measuring in a variety of laboratory settings, including chemistry, biology, and pharmaceuticals. They are also ideal in industrial environments in order to enhance quality assurances.

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Advantages of Analytical Balances from METTLER TOLEDO

Flexible Service Packages

Flexible Service Packages

By purchasing a METTLER TOLEDO balance, you can benefit from our wide range of services and create a customized package that suits your precise needs. Lees meer

Easy Cleaning

Easy Cleaning

Cleaning your analytical balance is quick and easy thanks to clever design features, such as fast-release draft shields and the hanging weighing pan. Lees meer

Easy Documentation

Easy Documentation

Simplify results handling and documentation with our EasyDirect™ Balance data management software for Advanced and Standard level analytical balances. Lees meer

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